неділя, 24 лютого 2019 р.

Slang Phrases

  1. Wallflower – a person who is very shy. – You would have more friends if you weren’t such a wallflower.

  2. Feeling blue – to have a feeling of depression. – I feel blue today. That’s why I don’t fancy doing anything.

  3. Couch potato – a person who is very lazy. – Don’t be a couch potato and start doing your homework!

  4. Drive up the wall – to irritate somebody. – This loud noise is driving me up the wall.

  5. Going Dutch – it’s a situation when a person on a date pays for his/her own meal. – My friend prefers going Dutch as she doesn’t like when others pay for her.

  6. The cold shoulder – it’s a situation when a person deliberately ignores somebody. – Yesterday Tom tried to invite Mary on a date but she gave him the cold shoulder.

  7. Hyped – to be excited about something. – We are so hyped about buying a new house. Just can’t wait anymore!

  8. Pass the buck – to make somebody responsible for a problem or to blame somebody. – It really annoys when my brother passes the buck.

  9. Piece of cake – when something is really easy. – Yesterday’s homework was a piece of cake. I managed to finish that in 1 hour.

  10. Screw up – to make a mistake. – I don’t want to see you here. Didn’t you screw up enough?

  11. Zonked – totally exhausted. – Jenny was zonked after the meeting yesterday, so she stayed at home.

  12. Wheels – a car. – Hey! I don’t have my wheels right now. Maybe we can meet another day?

  13. To have a blast – to have an amazing time. – The festival was fantastic! Everybody had a blast.

  14. Low key – not very emotional; to indicate that something is secretly wanted. – Tom wanted to keep a date low key.

  15. Throw shade – to insult somebody, to say something unpleasant. – How could he do that? He has thrown shade at his girlfriend!

  16. Tea – the equivalent to gossip. – You will not believe what I have heard recently! Yes, give me that tea!

  17. Glow up – to upgrade (in terms of appearance). – Mary has glowed up since last year.

  18. Sus – when somebody is acting in a suspicious way. – I think he has stolen that bag, he looks sus.

  19. Bruh – another way to say “seriously?”, “brother”. – Bruh, what are you doing here?

  20. On fleek – fashionable. –  Your new dress is on fleek. I really like it!


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