пʼятниця, 6 грудня 2019 р.

MIP Online Meeting

On 03 December 2019 "My International Penfriends" partners had an online meeting 
on the platform Twinspace.

Daniela B. Buda says:
We had a very interesting and fruitful online meeting tonight. I know some of the teachers had difficulties in joining the meeting, due to technical causes, so I will tell you what was decided by the end of the meeting.
The first meeting with the students will be held on Monday, the 17th of February 2020, at 10 am Romanian time. You can calculate the time in your country starting from this hour.
We will use Skype for the online meeting, because it can be used by all our partners, with no restrictions for the countries from Africa and Asia.
The topic will be International songs.
The teachers and students from each school will record two songs in their mother tongue: their anthem and a simple song and upload them on Youtube and then post the links of the songs, as well as the lyrics of the songs both on twinspace and the project blog. For the anthem, we should sing the first 2 or 3 stanzas, if the song is longer than that.
Becin will try to pair the schools, as she did with the Christmas cards, so there will be pairs of schools learning the songs of their partners.
During the meeting, the students will sing the songs they learnt from the other school. It should be lots of fun for the kids and teachers alike to do that.
If you think this topic is too difficult, we can choose another topic to be agreed by all partners.

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