неділя, 15 вересня 2019 р.

Writing Activities for young learners

Activity 1

Challenge your students to write a sentence they hear, or to write a sentence about a picture using a set of letters. Or, as I had great fun doing, cut out words from old magazines and make sentences with them:
sentence from magazine cuttings
 After creating the above sentence, I started changing the adjective:
have a simple holiday

have a pretty holiday

You could also challenge your students to change the other words in the original sentence, and build as many sentences as possible.  For example:
  • What a great holiday!
  • Having a wild holiday!
  • Have a great day!
  • Have a slow week!

Activity 2

In my previous article, I shared ideas for getting students to write words on small post-its and stick them in their coursebooks.  This would also work very well with sentences.
In the below image, I’ve written sentences about the three pictures on bookmark post-its and stuck them on the pictures.
sentence activity
 Alternatively, instead of writing sentences, students could write speech bubbles for things that people are thinking or saying.  This would be a great way of practising the exclamations and expressions on the Movers wordlist, for example – try and find a place where a person is saying:
  • Excuse me!   
  • All right!   
  • Of course!
  • What’s the matter?
  • Pardon?  
  • Here you are. 

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