неділя, 15 вересня 2019 р.

Introducing new language (Warm-up Activities)

Introducing New Language (Warm-up Activities)

The aim of activities used for the introducing of new words and structures is to make children interested in saying something, react in the target language, and motivate their spontaneous need to be able to express themselves in a language other than their mother language.
Activities and games for new language introduction are divided into groups according to used means/aids. The introducing may be carried out either by us, the teachers, or a puppet taking over the role of the teacher.

Introducing through a story

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures through stories.

Introducing through art, craft and drama

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures through art, draft and drama.

Introducing through mime and gestures

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures through using facial expressions and gestures.

Introducing with flashcards

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures through using flashcards.
Attached file: Attached file: pnj-obrazkove-karty.zip

Introducing with incomplete objects (partial objects)

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures with partial objects.

Introducing with real objects (realia)

Activities which introduce new vocabulary, collocations and sentence structures through using real objects (realia).

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