неділя, 29 вересня 2019 р.

Tips for working with campers

More tips for working with campers

"... Until your campers are emotionally "on board" with you, they won't get as much out of camp. Consider making a List of Firsts chart. Take time each day to record in a brief meeting with your campers what new thing each of them has done that day at camp. This could be a new skill they've learned or a new activity they've tried or a new friend they've made and so on. The List of Firsts chart not only helps you keep track of all the new things your campers are doing, but it also gives them individual recognition in a group setting — perfect for today's campers!"

The source: https://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/camping-magazine/top-10-tips-working-todays-campers

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