неділя, 29 вересня 2019 р.

100 англійських фразових дієслів

100 англійських фразових дієслів, які повинен знати кожен
Без фразових дієслів у вивченні англійської ніяк не обійтися. Адже залежно від прийменника, який стоїть після дієслова, його значення може абсолютно змінитися. І вгадати, що саме означає фразове дієслово, іноді може бути абсолютно неможливо. Наприклад, take – брати, take off – злітати. Тому єдиний вихід – це взяти та вивчити їх.
Ми підготували для вас 100 найпоширенішиз фразових дієслів. Перевірте себе, чи знаєте ви все з цього списку? Чи на вас чекають відкриття?
1. Act on – діяти згідно
·         Police say they acted on information
2. Act out – розігрувати, зображати
·         The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.
3. Act up – барахлити; пустувати
·         My car always acts up in cold weather.
4. Agree with – підходити
·         Green peppers don’t agree with me.
5. Aim at – націлити(ся)
·         The new budget aims at providing extra support for the unemployed.
6. Answer back – огризатися, заперечувати
·         The child’s refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child’s habit of answering back.
7. Ask around – розпитувати
·         If you ask around I’m sure someone there can give you directions to the museum.
8. Ask in – запросити до себе
·         I’d ask you in for a coffee but I have to get up early for work in the morning.
9. Ask out – запросити на побачення
·         She’s asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.
10. Back away – відступати, задкувати
·         She saw that he had a gun and backed away.
11. Back down – дати задню
·         Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized.
12. Back off – задкувати; перестати втручатися
·         Back off, Marc! Let me run my own life!
13. Back out – відмовитися, порушити домовленість
·         After you’ve signed the contract, it will be impossible to back out.
14. Back up – пітримати, підкріпити
·         These theories have not been backed up by research.
15. Bargain down – збити ціну
·         Can you believe I bargained that guy down to $30 for the dresser?
16. Be after – шукати, намагатися отримати
·         What sort of answers are you after?
17. Be along – приїжджати
·         Another bus should be along in a minute.
18. Be away – бути відсутнім, поїхати
·         Ms Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week.
19. Be cut out for – бути схильним до, створеним для
·         Dad says I’m not cut out for the military, but I think I can thrive in that environment.
20. Be cut up – бути засмученим
·         He was very cut up about Stephen dying.
21. Be down – відчувати себе пригніченим
·         I got some bad news this morning, so I’m a bit down at the moment.
22. Be fed up – бути ситим по горло
·         Residents are fed up with the disturbance caused by the nightclub.
23. Be taken with – вважати щось привабливим
·         I’m quite taken by the idea of Christmas in Berlin.
24. Be up – не спати
·         Are the kids still up?
25. Bear with – терпіти
·         It’s boring, but please bear with it.
26. Beat out – переграти
·         Lockheed beat out a rival company to win the contract.
27. Beat up – побити
·         Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night.
28. Belong with – мати відношення до, підходити, бути разом з
·         This case belongs with that camera.
29. Bend down – нахилитись
·         I bent down and picked up the coins lying on the road.
30. Big up – звеличувати
·         He’s always on TV bigging up his new band.
31. Black out – знепритомніти
·         I blacked out right after the accident.
32. Blast off – стартувати (про космічний корабель або ракету)
·         The rocket blasted off successfully and is now headed for the moon.
33. Blow away – вразити
·         I was blown away by how good that movie was!
34. Blow down – сдути (про вітер)
·         That wind today blew down all of the clothes I’d hung on the clothesline.
35. Blow up – підривати(сь)
·         Rebels attempted to blow up the bridge.
36. Boil up – закипати
·         He could feel the anger boiling up inside him.
37. Bone up on – зубрити
·         I have to bone up on the state driving laws because I have to take my driving test tomorrow.
38. Call up – дзвонити
·         Please call up your mother once in a while.
39. Calm down – заспокоїти(ся)
·         She sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
40. Carried away – захоплений, в азарті
·         It’s easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software.
41. Carry off – перемогти, виграти
·         Everyone was shocked when that little-known band carried off the night’s biggest award.
42. Carry on – продовжувати
·         You’ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.
43. Decide upon – вирішити на користь
·         Have you decided upon a date for the wedding?
44. Feed on – годуватися
·         Owls feed on mice and other small animals.
45. Feel up to – відчувати себе у змозі зробити щось-то
·         While I was sick, I didn’t feel up to doing much besides napping and watching TV.
46. Give up – кинути
·         She gave up her job and started writing poetry.
47. Hold off – стримувати, тримати на відстані
·         We held off the reporters as long as we could.
48. Hold on – зачекати
·         Hold on a minute! Isn’t that your brother’s car over there?
49. Jam on – натиснути
·         Most people naively imagine they will stop immediately when they jam on the brakes.
50. Jaw away – просторікувати
·         I became so bored while the professor jawed away at us that I nearly fell asleep in the middle of the lecture.
51. Jazz up – зробити більш привабливим
·         Jazz up your everyday meals with our new range of seasonings.
52. Keep around – тримати поблизу
·         He doesn’t work very hard, but we keep him around anyway.
53. Keep at – домагатися, наполегливо намагатися
·         If you really want to become a comic book artist, you have to keep at it!
54. Keep away – триматися віддалік, не підходити
·         Kids, keep away from that beehive!
55. Keep back – тримати(ся) на безпечній відстані
·         This area is too dangerous so keep the kids back.
56. Key to – пристосувати
·         The daycare hours are keyed to the needs of working parents.
57. Key up – розхвилювати
·         Travis was keyed up at the thought of seeing Rosie again.
58. Kick in – почати діяги
·         You’ll feel a lot better when the medication kicks in.
59. Kick out – вигнати
·         I just hope they don’t kick us out when they realize who we are.
60. Knock off – закінчити щось робити
·         Knock off shoveling snow now, and come in for a hot drink.
61. Lash down – прив’язати
·         They lashed the prisoner down to the table and began torturing him to extract information.
62. Lash into – накинутись
·         The boss lashed into the intern for mixing up the documents for the year-end audit.
63. Lash out – розлютитись, накинутись
·         She would suddenly lash out at other children.
64. Lay on – підготувати, організувати
·         They laid on a beautiful buffet lunch.
65. Lay out – витрачати
·         Some people are willing to lay out huge amounts of money for electronic equipment.
66. Let in – впускати всередину, пропускати
·         These shoes are starting to let water in.
67. Let off – відпустити, залишити без покарання
·         The police let him off with a warning.
68. Link up – з’єднувати(ся)
·         Just link your phones up over Bluetooth and share the data wirelessly.
69. Live by – жити відповідно до (на основі принципів)
·         I have always tried to live by my faith
70-71. Log in/on – увійти, підключитися до системи
·         Customers are often unable to log in to the system.
72-73. Log off/out – вийти з системи
·         Make sure all users have logged off before shutting the system down.
74. Look up – подивитися (в довідковому виданні)
·         Look the word up in your dictionary.
75. Make after – наздоганяти, переслідувати
·         I made after the bus, but there was no way I could catch it.
76. Make away with – викрасти
·         Sorry, the dog made away with the last burger—snatched it right from the table.
77. Make it – зуміти дістатися
·         So far, relatively few women have made it to the top in the business world.
78. Make it up to – відшкодувати, компенсувати
·         I know you’re disappointed about missing the movie, but I’ll make it up to you.
79. Make of – зрозуміти, скласти враження
·         I didn’t know what to make of her.
80. Melt down – танути; плавити
·         By the time the ceremony was over, the elaborate ice sculpture had melted down into a large puddle.
81. Mess about – валяти дурня
·         He spent the day with friends, just messing about.
82. Mix up – плутати
·         I’m sorry I’m late, I must have mixed up the time for our meeting.
83. Move into – в’їхати
·         Now that the company is hiring a few more people, we decided to move into a bigger office.
84. Move up – посунутись
·         There’s room for one more if everyone moves up a bit.
85. Opt for – обрати, віддати перевагу
·         The kids opted for a trip to Disneyland instead of New York City.
86. Pass away – померти
·         After she passed away, the doctors wanted to do an autopsy.
87. Pass by – проходити повз
·         Will you be passing by the supermarket on your way home?
88. Pick at – неохоче їсти, колупати (їжу)
·         Charles picked at his food in a bored fashion.
89. Pig out – поглинати
·         I found Sam in front of the TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.
90. Pile up – накопичуватись
·         The work was piling up, and I decided I had to go in to the office on the weekend.
91. Pipe down – замовчати
·         Will you please pipe down, you two? I’m trying to read!
92. Pipe up – заговорити
·         In the silence that followed, a lone voice piped up from the back of the room.
93. Plug in – підключити
·         He plugged in the iron and waited for it to get hot.
94. Point out – вказати
·         He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
95. Polish off – з’їсти, розправитися з
·         Who polished off the cake?
96. Polish up – поліпшити
·         I’ve been polishing my Japanese up before I go to Tokyo next month.
97. Pop in – заскочити
·         Why don’t you pop in and see us this afternoon?
98. Price up – підвищити ціну
·         I should have bought that laptop when I was first looking—now they’ve priced it up by nearly $200!
99. Pull ahead – випередити
·         I need to follow behind you to know where we’re going, so please don’t pull too far ahead of us in traffic.
100. Pull out – виїхати (про транспортний засіб)
·         I knocked over the mailbox when I was pulling out of the drive way.


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