неділя, 11 жовтня 2020 р.

"Te@ch with Tech"


Kaharlyk hub school 3 starts taking part in #eTwinning project "Te@ch with Tech"!
Technology is a valuable tool for improving the teaching process at school because creates a new learning environment, more attractive and enjoyable for schoolchildren. The educational process will turn them from passive recipients into creators of information and knowledge.During the project, children will implement their new skills, develop the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, produce themselves materials and participate in activities, feeling the joy of creativity. The aim of this project will be focused to exchange information about teaching experience among teachers. We will motivate our students to learn using IT tools and enhance communicative competencies. The main goal of the project is to improve communication and collaboration between schools, involving teachers and students in new learning activities. We will work with students aged between 12 and 17.
There are partners from Turkey, Lithuania, Italy, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia, Croatia and France in this project.
On 06.10. 2020 we had an introductory webinar where project activities, IT tools and partners' opinions were discussed.

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