четвер, 3 січня 2019 р.

Christmas board game


Tематичний урок «Різдво».
Учні в парах відповідають по черзі на 25 питань пов’язаних зі святкуванням Різдва. Якщо учень правильно відповідає на питання, він/вона отримують бал та продовжують гру. Якщо учень дає неправильну відповідь або не знає відповіді на питання, він не отримує бал та переходить на наступне питання

1. How many reindeer drive Santa Claus’ sleigh? (Nine)
2. Who helps Santa Clause in making his gifts? (Elves)
3. Which country was the first to use the tradition of Christmas tree? (Germany)
4. What do the Englishmen eat at Christmas? (Pudding, Turkey)
5. What snacks do children leave for Santa Clause? (Cookies and milk)
6. Who was the author of “a Christmas Carol”? (Charles Dickens)
7. How does Queen Elizabeth II celebrate Christmas? (She gives her television speech)
8. What country has the highest Christmas tree? (Germany, Dortmund)
9. Where is Lapland located? (Finland)
10. The evening before Christmas is called…. (Christmas Eve)
11. Which Christmas food is it considered good luck to eat? (Mince Pies)
12. What Christmas beverage do the Englishmen drink? (egg nogg)
13. Which company made Santa Claus popular worldwide? (Coca Cola)
14. What things do the Englishmen put under the chair at Christmas? (Christmas Cracker)
15. Who helps Santa to read children’s letters? (No one, he reads himself)
16. Continue the line: “Oh what fun is it to ride in…” (One-horse open sleigh)
17. What was Little Jack Horner eating in the famous nursery rhyme? (Christmas pie)
18. Who from the Royal Family introduced the Christmas tree to England? (Prince Albert)
19. When do the Orthodox celebrate Christmas? (January 7th)
20. Which plant is it customary to exchange kisses beneath in England? (kissing under the mistletoe)
21. Which red chested bird often appears on cards over the festive season? (Robin)
22. Who traditionally left socks of fruit and nuts at houses of the poor during the 12th century? (French nuns)
23. Who brings presents to children in Holland on the 5th/6th December? (St.Nicolas)
24. What do the Englishmen eat at Christmas? (Pudding, Turkey)

25. Which grumpy character says 'Bah Humbug'? (Scroodge)

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