неділя, 1 березня 2020 р.

Kольорові англійські ідіоми

Що відповісти, якщо пропонують пофарбувати місто в червоний колір? Чи варто позбутися від білого слона? І чи добре, коли в людини зелений палець? Носії англійської використовують безліч ідіом, які можуть бути незрозумілими при дослівному перекладі. Наприклад, в англійській широко використовуються вирази з назвами кольорів. Нумо знайомитися з англійськими кольоровими ідіомами!

Red idioms

Catch someone red-handed – зловити на гарячому
  • The burglar was on the roof and was caught red-handed by the police.
Paint the town red – гуляти, святкувати щосили
  • It was the end of the term and students decided to go out and paint the town red.
Red flag – привід для підозри, ознака небезпеки
  • Well, it definitely raised a red flag when he got so angry at me over such a minor thing, but I never thought he could be so unreasonable to live with!
Red herring – помилкова інформація, відволікаючий маневр
  • Often politicians will use a controversial subject as a red herring to distract the media from important issues that they would rather not address.
Red-hot – прямо з печі, новітній; суперпопулярний
  • Some traders are already stacking the red-hot book on their shelves.
Red tape – бюрократичні процедури, тяганина з документами
  • You have to go through endless red tape to get a residence permit.
Roll out the red carpet – надати урочистий прийом, зустрічати хлібом-сіллю
  • The citizens of the small community enjoyed rolling out the red carpet for important visitors.

Blue idioms

Feel blue – сумувати, хандрити
  • Those old weepy movies always make me feel blue.
Blue blood – блакитна кров, аристократичне походження
  • Many blue blood children attend this private school.
Once in a blue moon – вкрай рідко, коли рак на горі свисне
  • That kind of chance comes once in a blue moon.
Out of the blue – раптово, ні з того ні з сього, як грім серед ясного неба
  • Completely out of the blue, she got a letter from her long–lost cousin in New York.

White idioms

To wave a white flag – здатися, визнати себе переможеним
  • After the prosecutors brought forward their newest evidence, the defendant waved the white flag and agreed to the plea bargain.
As white as a ghost – блідий як смерть
  • His face went as white as a ghost when he saw the burglar in his house.
To tell a white lie – говорити білу брехню
  • I told my wife a white lie saying that she looked fabulous in her new clothes.
White elephant – обтяжливе майно
  • A motor car would be a white elephant to him because he can not drive.

Green idioms

Give/get the green light – дати/отримати схвалення, дозвіл
  • We’re just waiting to get the green light from our managers before we release the latest software update.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence – добре там, де нас немає
  • The grass is always greener on the other side – the sooner you realize that and stop comparing your life to others ‘, the happier you’ll be!
Have a green thumb – мати здатності до садівництва
  • John has a green thumb, so our garden always looks amazing.

Black idioms

(As) black as coal – чорний, як смола
  • Her hair used to be as black as coal when she was young.
Black and blue – весь у синцях
  • My leg was black and blue where the kid had kicked me.
Black eye – синяк під оком
  • I had never punched anybody in my life but I hit out and gave him a black eye.
Black market – чорний ринок
  • During the war, they bought food on the black market.
Black sheep of the family – паршива вівця, біла ворона
  • He was the black sheep of the family after he had got involved in the bank robbery.
Black tie event – офіційний захід (на який прийнято вдягати смокінг)
  • If you have received an invitation for a black-tie event, you may be wondering what you are expected to wear.

  • https://grade.ua/uk/blog/24-colourful-idioms/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=blog&fbclid=IwAR3xzaPOS56eeGE9XNvsPXTa3Es8nF9aZbh-x2mV7ERDo0WipDQFTh6VGc0

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