середа, 13 квітня 2022 р.

Pronunciation Games


 Young Learners are an ideal group of students, because children aged 6-12 are very motivated and are not afraid to experiment. They also like repeating new sounds, copying pronunciation, and they will not miss a chance to get up and move in class.

🟡  English songs

The perfect tool for practicing pronunciation with young learners. They can sing and dance to phonics songs. With the help of such a total physical response, children remember even complex words, sentences and intonation much better. At first glance, singing songs is a very simple exercise, but it is extremely effective.


Pronunciation Bingo

It is also a very effective game for memorizing the correct pronunciation of individual sounds or words. To play it, prepare Bingo cards with separate words for each phoneme you want to repeat. You can make them in a text editor or use Bingo Card Generator. Its settings will help you create cards that are right for your students. 

Then the order is as follows: the teacher shows the students a card with a phoneme, for example, /e/, and pronounces this sound. Students should find the word containing this sound and cross it out. The game can be played as a whole class, in pairs or groups. You will need several sets of cards. 

If this version of the game is a bit difficult, students can just name the sound, and their partners have to find the word in their Bingo cards.

And in the next video there is another interesting variation of this game: 


🟡 Rhyming

These are activities that focus on teaching children to distinguish phonemes. Therefore, activities should focus on how words sound. Cards with images and printed words are suitable for such tasks. 

You can play the Rhyming Bingo or Rhyming Memory depending on the needs of your students. These are the simplest games and easy to adapt. However, there are other rhyming games. 

🟡 Rhyming Race

Stick a picture or a word on each child's back. On your command, the students should find a partner who has a word on his back that rhymes with the word on the other student's back. The winner is the one who is the first to find his partner.

🟡 Rhyming

Probably everyone remembers this game from childhood. Draw classics with chalk or make from masking tape. Place a picture or word inside each cell. Then the teacher says the word, and the student has to jump to the word that rhymes with it .

From Grade Education Center

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