неділя, 24 листопада 2019 р.

Debate topics

Educational Debate Topics

  • A college degree is essential for getting a good job.
  • Contact sports should be required in school.
  • Education should focus on maths and science rather than music and art.
  • Fast food should be banned in schools.
  • Girls should be actively encouraged to enter STEM fields.
  • Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling.
  • Do you need homework in order to learn?
  • Cell phones should be banned in schools.
  • Public schools are better than private schools.
  • Religion should be taught in school.
  • Education should be privatized.
  • Schools should have armed guards.
  • Teachers should be given guns to defend students.
  • Schools should teach abstinence-only sex education.
  • Schools should teach LGBT+ inclusive sex education.
  • School uniforms should be mandatory.
  • Should standardized testing be abolished?
  • Should free STD testing be offered in schools?
  • Are student loans exploitative?
  • Studying a second language should be compulsory.
  • Boarding school is harmful for students.

Political Debate Topics

  • All people should be able to own guns.
  • The British Monarchy should be abolished.
  • Should there be limits on the First Amendment (free speech)?
  • Britain should leave the European Union.
  • The US should abolish the electoral college.
  • Churches should pay taxes.
  • Is freedom of speech a necessity in a functional society?
  • Should illegal immigrants be treated as criminals?
  • Juries should include 24 jurors instead of 12.
  • The country should allow more refugees to enter.
  • Is owning an automatic weapon morally justifiable?
  • Is patriotism ultimately destructive to international relations?
  • Politics should be kept out of schools.
  • Presidential terms should be limited to two years instead of four.
  • All prisons should be governmentally owned and run.
  • Rich people and large corporations should pay more taxes.
  • Should the U.N. have a standing army?
  • The U.S. should intervene in overseas conflicts.
  • Is the US voting system democratic?
  • Should the voting age be lowered to 16?
  • Voting should be mandatory for all citizens.
  • The West should lift all sanctions on Iran (or North Korea).
  • Should your country make a land claim on Antarctica?

Social Debate Topics

  • Abortion should be available to all women.
  • Should human cloning be legalized?
  • Should genetic engineering be legal?
  • The government should provide free birth control.
  • Companies should be required to hire 50% male and 50% female employees.
  • Barbie is a good role model for young girls.
  • Burning the flag should be illegal.
  • The death penalty should be abolished.
  • Drug use should be treated as a mental health issue rather than a criminal offense.
  • Euthanasia should be legal.
  • Is feminism irrelevant in the 21st century?
  • Feminism should focus more on men's rights.
  • Gay marriage should be legalized.
  • Gay people should be allowed to adopt children.
  • Is graffiti art just as worthy of regard as classical paintings?
  • Healthcare should be universal.
  • Should insurance cover cosmetic procedures?
  • Censorship is sometimes warranted on the internet.
  • Marijuana should be legalized.
  • Can censorship ever be justified?
  • Has the #MeToo movement gone too far?
  • The minimum wage should be lowered (or raised).
  • The harms of patriotism outweigh the benefits.
  • Police should be allowed to use deadly force.
  • Religion does more harm than good.
  • Peer pressure is a good thing.
  • Drug addicts should be helped rather than punished.
  • Sex work should be legal.
  • Smoking should be banned.
  • Social media does more harm than good.
  • Is privacy important?

Environmental Debate Topics

  • Climate change is the greatest threat in human history.
  • Companies should be taxed on their carbon emissions and other negative environmental impact.
  • Plastic bags and packaging should be banned.
  • Everyone should be vegetarian.
  • Genetically modified foods (GMOs) should be banned.
  • Fracking should be banned.
  • Live animal exports should be banned.
  • More land should be dedicated as national parks.
  • Is organic farming the future of agriculture?
  • Is the Paris Agreement relevant anymore?
  • The sale of fur should be banned.
  • Is tourism beneficial to an environment?
  • Zoos should be banned.

Technology Debate Topics

  • Will the development of artificial intelligence harm or benefit humankind?
  • Are robots going to increase or decrease our quality of life?
  • Artificial intelligence is dangerous.
  • Is technology going to save the world. . . or kill it?
  • Is the use of technology changing people for the better. . . or worse?
  • Is technology making people dumber. . . or smarter?
  • Is technology the opposite of nature? (Are technology and nature diametrically opposed?)
  • Should humans colonize other planets?
  • Have social media benefitted or harmed people’s social lives?
  • Do social media improve or impede communication?
  • Should a person's social media be considered by school admissions, police investigations, and potential employers?
  • What's better: traditional or online education?
  • All cars should be electric.
  • Should individuals own their own DNA?

More Controversial Debate and Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should alcohol be sold after 10 pm?
  • Alternative medicines should be banned.
  • Can animal testing be justified?
  • Beauty pageants should be banned.
  • Is bad parenting to blame for childhood obesity?
  • Children should be exposed to technology.
  • Dance should be considered a sport.
  • Advertising should be banned during children's programs.
  • Should fines be scaled depending on income?
  • Gaming should be considered a sport.
  • Human cloning should be legalized.
  • Parents should be able to refuse medical treatment for their children.
  • Parents should be able to choose the sex of their child.
  • Parents should limit the amount of time their children spend on technology.
  • Pop music is the best kind of music.
  • Unpaid internships should be against the law.
  • Violent video games should be banned.

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