неділя, 25 серпня 2019 р.

Games for English Lessons



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Games for English lessons
   Learning opportunities of classroom games in English lessons are well-known. Many teachers rightly take notice to the efficiency of their use. Games help to make an English lesson more interesting and exciting. Fun activities in the classroom not only organize the process of communicating in English language, but also bring it closer to the natural communication. Games for English classes develop the intellectual and volitional activity. As a complex and exciting experience, ESL games require concentration, train memory, develop speaking. Games and activities in English lessons captivate even the most passive and poorly prepared learners.
   Using games for English lessons makes the educational process more informative and of higher quality, because:
- games draw each English student to a cognitive process, becoming an effective tool of controlling the learning process;
- games involve English learners in a vigorous activity, during which up to 90% of the information is ingested;
- competitiveness is an integral part of a game in English classes, which encourages learners to achieve good results;
- during a classroom game in English, each learner is given the opportunity of self-expression, self-determination and self-development.
   In English lessons, it is necessary to create the situational twists and turns, in which learners are forced to activate their creative abilities, to mobilize their attention, spur their memories under the influence of the emotional experience of events. To create such situations in the classroom, the teacher must comply with three principles: creation of language environment, constant monitoring and the situation of success.
   Many teachers know, from their own experience, how it is difficult to create a beneficial psychological atmosphere in the classroom, which allow learners to overcome shyness, interfering freely communicate in English, and to reduce the fear of mistakes. The situation of success is a very important factor of stimulating communication in the classroom.
   ESL Games are based on the principles of teamwork, practical utility, competitiveness, maximum occupancy of each learners and unlimited prospects of creative activity. Games in English classes develop logical thinking, the ability to search for answers to posed questions, the speaking etiquette, the ability to communicate with each other.
    English games take a special place in the process of active learning, being both a method and a form of training. Games in English allow to use all the levels of ingestion of learning.

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