неділя, 4 березня 2018 р.

#GoCamp Afterschool. Tolerance

Am I tolerate?
An Interactive exercise "What are we like?”
1.All the participants sit in a circle. The teacher chooses one pupil who is alike with her/him and invites him/her in the centre of the circle. He/She does the same way, but finds another feature. It goes on till everyone is in the circle.
T: How have you felt yourselves when you have been invited to the circle?
Was it difficult to find the same feature?
You have seen that you are different. But  it doesn’t mean that some is better or worse.
2.T: I have a flower. On its pedals I have written the features of a tolerate person. Your task is to paint the pedals in different colours, which they are associated by you with these features of a character. 
Look at the flower of your neighbour and say what colours are its pedals?
What do you think that most of them are bright?
терплячий – patient
Товариський – sociable
тактовний – considerate
лояльний - loyal
 розсудливий/поміркований – wise
 надійний – reliable
 співчутливий – sympathetic
турботливий – caring
GameAn interesting word
Each team takes an envelope with letters. The members of the team have to line up with the letters to form a word.(friend, tolerate, wise, caring, patient, loyal)
The representatives of each team of different sex stand opposite and say compliments to each other.
GameAssociated  row
Lets name the feature of a character according to each letter of the wordTolerate”. (Tolerate is written on the board. Students name a feature and write it on the board.)
Complete the phrase “ I am…”
(active, helpful, caring, patriotic, polite…)
 FilmEnglish “Difference”                   

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