пʼятниця, 15 грудня 2023 р.

STEAM up your classroom workshop



 With the support of Express Publishing in Ukraine, on September 28, 2023, a face-to-face workshop "STEAM up your classroom" with   Natalia Liashko  was held for the professional community of English teachers of the Kaharlytskyi community on the basis of "Kaharlytskyi Lyceum #3".  A seminar, workshop or conference from Natalia is always incredibly practical and interesting.

 STEAM - education is interesting and practical!  The new trend, which covers the natural sciences Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths, is confidently gaining momentum in the educational space of Ukraine.  But there is also the opinion that STEAM is the same CLIL that we have known and used for a long time.  So what's the difference?

 During the workshop, the community's English language teachers compared these different approaches to teaching and, in practice, analyzed the commonalities and differences between them.

  Inspired and charged with creative ideas from Natalia Liashko, teachers are ready to implement STEAM in English classes.

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