вівторок, 6 квітня 2021 р.

Teaching English in Basic School - Live Session 5


Teaching English in the New Context. Grades 5-6 within the framework of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine  and the British Council

The piloting of British Council virtual Teacher Development Group platform for English teachers - Done!

Group 29. Live session 5. Module 5. Understanding 21st century skills - Done!✅
At the session we explored each core skill in detail with practical applications, summarized Modules 1-5 of the "Teaching English in Basic School" course using Quizizz, shared own experience and ideas.
Thanks a lot to my partners, teachers-agents of change and facilitators
Ольга Оникієнко
Natalia Shvets
and Yuliia Melnyk for collaborative work!
Thanks a million to our mentors
Liudmyla Klymenko
Olha Pavlenko
Anastasia Syzenko
for their support and assistance!
Thanks a lot to the
British Council Ukraine
and the
British Council
for the opportunity to grow professionally!
Thanks a bunch to our teachers of group 29 for being active! We really appreciate it. Also we hope they will implement their knowledge and skills in their classrooms and keep learning.

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