четвер, 30 березня 2017 р.

Ways to reflect

Ways to reflect
  • Keep a learning diary of what went well or not so well in a lesson
  • Ask your learners for feedback on a lesson or activity
  • Make notes in your coursebook after each lesson
  • Talk through your lessons with another teacher
  • Ask a colleague to sit in and observe your lesson
  • Record yourself teaching (and then watch it!)
  • Use an online journal to keep your reflective practices in one place - notes, videos, documents, links
  • British Council

пʼятниця, 24 березня 2017 р.

Short tales and songs with subtitles to learn English

The main point of learning English is to do it with pleasure. So enjoy this funny video with tales and songs, and learn English. Pay attention to the subtitles.


субота, 18 березня 2017 р.

Five top newspaper reading activities

Abbreviation in English

British Council Ukraine resources

British Council Ukraine
Якщо протягом вихідних негода на вулиці викликатиме бажання влаштувати затишний кіновечір та ще й підживити свою англійську, зазирніть до нашої добірки:
• Наш новий безкоштовний ресурс English Channel із колекцією різноманітних відео та короткометражок про сучасне британське мистецтво, де ви можете одночасно виконувати вправи для поліпшення навичок аудіювання: https://theenglishchannel.britishcouncil.org/

неділя, 12 березня 2017 р.

6 Hand Signals That Bring Learning to Life


Editor's note: This piece is co-authored by Ellie Cowen and Megan Nee, a second-grade teacher at Brophy Elementary in Framingham, Massachusetts.
Imagine that you're a student. Your class has just learned something new. Your teacher asks for someone to share his or her strategy for the problem that you've just solved. You're beginning to feel as though you understand the new concept, and you have a strategy that you could share, but something is holding you back. You're worried that your ideas aren't good enough to be voiced. You want so badly for your teacher and your classmates to know what you know, but the fear of embarrassment keeps you from raising your hand.
Later, you're working in a group with your friends. Everyone else seems to have come to the same conclusion about a number pattern, but you've noticed a point where their reasoning goes wrong. Is it OK to tell your group what you noticed? You've been told that it's disrespectful to argue. How can you explain your thinking in a respectful way that is helpful and not hurtful to your group?

A speaking activity by Judit Feher


Useful song lyrics for English learners and teachers


Isn’t it better to learn or teach the English language while you’re enjoying yourself? Listening to songs with English lyrics is a great way of boosting skills, confidence and pronunciation.

субота, 11 березня 2017 р.

Avoid Randomness: Three Other Ways of Grouping Students


1. Value Line

After presenting an issue or topic to the whole class, each student decides how they feel about it and stand up to form a rank-ordered line. You can make a scale from 0 to 10, or from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree”. As they form the line, the students explain their choices and talk to their partners about their decision so that they know what the best place in the line is for them. Groups are then formed by pulling one student from each side of the line and two students from the middle of the group, who will work together on that specific task

середа, 8 березня 2017 р.


"Не чекайте, що хтось прийде й заступиться за вас. Змініть світ самі!"
 (Малала Юсафзай)

пʼятниця, 3 березня 2017 р.

Teacher Development Seminar "21 Century Learning Skills"
Steve Lever  Express Publishing Senior ELT Consultant presented "Presentation Skills" and
"It's Grammar Time''.
Thanks a lot for unforgettable experience!